PASE is a growing community of mothers bereaved by abortion, restored by Jesus and released into serving other women as they seek to recover.
For Everyone
Abortion is like an explosion in the lives of those connected to the baby. Those closest to the blast, the mother and father are the ones most directly and grievously affected. As the blast radius expands to parents of the mother and father, siblings, friends and abortion workers, the effects are still present but different and perhaps not as destructive.
PASE recognises the fallout after abortion is far reaching, but not so far that there is no hope of restoration and healing. We are here for all affected by the loss of a baby to abortion, with specific resources for mothers available (See our Recovery Course). For others surrounding the abortion we are available to listen, to pray and compassionately journey with you through grief to joy.

To Everyone
As with many injustices in the past, the voice of those who have experienced suffering at the hands of injustice is a powerful catalyst for change. We believe abortion is an injustice against mothers and their babies.
From our personal experiences, we share the truth about abortion with compassion. We encourage our Recovery Course graduates to join in with activism that educates the public about abortion, understanding that the weight of what we have to bring may save others the trauma we have endured.
We have the confidence to stand alongside those struggling to understand the implications of their baby’s death. We support one another to be free from the unresolved issues that have held us in bondage, often for many years. We are living proof that the grace of God through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross is sufficient to bring hope into lives full of despair. Once devastated and crippled by their past, now freed to rejoice!
What do we depend on?
The scientific community struggles to deny the mounting evidence that abortion causes mental health issues in many women. PASE utilises the evidence found in peer reviewed studies of women’s mental and physical health after abortion to shape our work and response. However, our focus is not only on the medical effects but primarily on the emotional and spiritual.
The knowledge that there is no going back and no rewind button, no matter how much we might want to, can crush us. We can let go of the past and look to Jesus who holds our future in His hands.
“He will not always accuse us, nor harbour His anger forever. He has not dealt with us according to our sins or repaid us according to our iniquities. For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is His loving devotion for those who fear Him.”
Psalm 103:9-11
The knowledge that we failed to protect our baby, that we rejected them can leave us with deep sorrow. What a comfort to know that we can trust our babies to Jesus.
“Though my father and mother forsake me, the LORD will receive me.”
Psalm 27:10
We have experienced the depth of need and are constrained to share this good news.. Our overriding desire is to see Jesus Glorified as the gates of our personal hell are pushed back and God’s Kingdom expands in our lives.